It may be controversial, but everybody knows that “going green” is making the news, setting consumer trends, and bolstering Twitter updates all around the web. On television, some celebrities take advantage of their massive amounts of influence by promoting a green lifestyle. To that I say: it’s about time!
In all honesty, going green is easy for everybody. You don’t need to hug trees or spend all your money on solar panels to live a greener life — although if you can afford those solar panels, what are you waiting for? But in reality, living an eco-conscious life is as easy as reducing your carbon footprint which can be nothing more than just doing the little things, such as buying eco friendly rubber flooring for your home or business in lieu of products like plastics or synthetic rubber.
A carbon footprint is colloquially known as the measure of the impact your activities have on the environment. This measurement includes every action you take, every mile you drive, every paper towel you use, and every light you leave on. Even your linoleum floors factor into your carbon footprint. This is why investing in green floors is such an easy way to reduce your waste. You don’t need to drive a hybrid car to go green; save some money and do your part to help the environment by purchasing and supporting recycled and all-natural products. Here are 10 places were Green rubber flooring can be used instead of synthetic products:
Green floors made from natural rubber sap and recycled rubber tires are sustainable products. Natural rubber, which is tapped from rubber trees, can be harvested on a regular basis without doing any significant harm or damage to the trees themselves. Instead of being sent to landfills to gather dust, rubber vehicle tires can be recycled and turned into eco friendly rubber flooring of all types.
Saving trees and implementing recycling programs may sound like clichés, but these are very effective ways to grow and support eco-friendly industries. U.S. government agencies encourage the recycling and reuse of rubber tire material in tire-derived products like eco friendly rubber flooring. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) web site, most “funding for scrap tire management and recycling” currently occurs “at the state level.”
As a result, you can enjoy durable door scraper mats and anti-fatigue mats without worrying that you’re harming Mother Nature. Eco-friendly rubber mats can be used in doorways, patios, garages, and other abrasive environments.
Natural rubber mats, on the other hand, are biodegradable and offer superior floor protection that will never be sent to a landfill. These natural rubber mats are inherently durable, shock absorbent, and elastic. As a result, these green floors offer unbeatable comfort and cushioning in places such as commercial kitchens, where standing for long periods of time can cause serious back pain.
Investing in eco friendly rubber flooring isn’t just smart — it’s an active and productive way of protecting the environment. Buy protective rubber mats that will make your home or business even more efficient. You’ll be amazed by how incredibly easy it is to “go green” when you realize that eco-friendly products are already available everywhere!