Kids seem to run on an inexhaustible supply of energy. It could be that the joy and naiveté of youth fuel an infinite drive to happily frolic about, oblivious to the trying aspects of adult life. Or maybe they just found that hidden bar of Hershey’s. Either way, children burst with energy, especially when on an outdoor playground.
To children, playgrounds appear to be some type of brightly colored playtime heaven. To parents, playgrounds appear to be some type of brightly colored hazardous hell: metal bars curling around and about, elevated floors on the playground equipment…whose idea was this? Before disassembling your playground, here are seven ways outdoor rubber flooring tiles can increase safety measures for your child:
Cushion: The most important function of outdoor playground flooring is its shock-absorbing capability. Rubber is inherently elastic which can absorb impact and disperse it through the area of the material. Hard surfaces, like concrete or even the grass-covered packed dirt, do not absorb impact but instead send the impact right back at the object. That’s bad news if that object is your child’s elbow, knee, or worse.
Our rubber tiles are also specially designed to cushion six-foot high impacts. If your child slips from the top of the jungle gym or decides to jump off the swings, the outdoor rubber flooring tiles will reduce the chances of serious injury.
Neat and clean design: Rubber mulch and sand are flooring options of the past. They’re messy and tend to collect foreign objects that could potentially hurt your child. Based on my own childhood experiences, mulch and sand can sometimes serve as a projectile of sorts.
Playground tiles set up a neat, clean, and even surface. This is beneficial for maintenance and also makes it easier to spot foreign objects, like shards of glass or gardening tools, which may hurt your little bundle of joy.
Outdoor playground flooring tiles will increase the measure of safety and reduce the chances of critical injuries when your kid is running about the playground. When kids are on the playground, parents shouldn’t have to be holding their breath in anticipation of the worst. Laying down some rubber playground tiles and enjoying your child’s laughter is what’s best.