5 Reasons Why Rolled Rubber Gym Flooring is The Best Gym Flooring
Hopefully this picture is not familiar to your eyes: an abandoned gym equipment that sits in the corner of a room and functions as a towel rack a platform for storage boxes all stacked on some dusty home gym matting; all a haunting reminder of the pounds you packed on last Christmas. While some are truly committed to health and fitness, many of us may let our home fitness equipment sit in our garages or basements catching dust and constantly reminding us of our unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions.
With some reorganizing and a bit of Do-It-Yourself installation, breathe new life into your home gym and finally fulfill your dreams of getting in shape. The “new” you is a work in progress! Build your home gym from the ground up with the best gym flooring for DIY applications (which is rolled rubber gym flooring,) top-notch exercise equipment, and a splash of personality. Don’t believe me? Here are five excellent reasons why rubber flooring is ideal for any home work-out area:
- Floor Protection: Whether you have beautiful hardwood floors, terra cotta tiles or just plain old garage concrete, a thick layer of rolled rubber gym flooring offers unbeatable floor protection. Heavy weight, bulky aerobic machines, or even weight lifting benches can cause wear and tear on ordinary floor surfaces. Prevent scratches and broken areas by installing tough home gym matting made with rubber. The best gym flooring is made with recycled or reclaimed rubber, which is affordable and durable, and therefore helps to preserve the integrity of a home gym floor
- Slip-Resistance: Perhaps you slipped and accidentally set your stepper at an excessive speed, resulting in a disastrous fall. Luckily, there aren’t many people around to see you fall when you exercise in your own home gym! Instead of risking a fall on unforgiving concrete or linoleum, which can leave you with serious injuries, consider rubber home gym matting. Rubber has natural elasticity and absorbs all kinds of vibration, shock, and heavy impact. Ensure safety with a tough layer of rubber flooring!
- Anti-Vibration: Setting up a home gym is an asset. It’s a way of investing in your body and your home. While you move to get your heart rate up, your machines do quite a bit of moving themselves. Without the cushioning of home gym matting, harmful vibrations can wear down your pricey machines and minimize their efficiency. Show your free weight equipment some love and protect it from harm with vibration-reducing rubber gym flooring.
- Water-Resistance: There’s no hiding it; everybody sweats profusely during, and afters a good workout. While you frantically guzzle water, sweat and moisture always seems to find its way onto the floor. A rubber gym floor will keep your home fitness floors from becoming slippery, prevent water damage, and eliminate the possibility of mold or mildew in the carpet. Keep your floors clean and dry over the course of many sweaty workouts by installing rubber home gym matting in your gym.
- Cushion: Moving and grooving during aerobic exercise deprives our muscles of oxygen and tires us out quickly. A hard, unforgiving floor surface can cause stress and fatigue related injuries. High-impact exercise is most effective when performed on elastic rubber flooring, which cushions and supports the human body. From rolled rubber gym flooring to interlocking rubber tiles, rubber provides just the right amount of cushion for your legs and joints. Don’t make exercising painful and counterproductive; make sure you do it on a forgiving gym floor that works with you instead of against you.
Take that stair climber out of retirement, install rolled rubber flooring, and strive for the body you have always wanted. Let rubber flooring help you in your quest for self fulfillment! Sometimes being the best you can be is just that simple.